Managing Dry Eye in Winter Months

Dry eye is a condition where the eyes do not make enough tears to lubricate your eyes. The tears may also be of poor quality, not having the right amounts of oil, water, or mucus. Tears are an important component of the eyes. They not only lubricate them but also help you see clearly by washing away debris and microorganisms.

Microorganisms can also cause infections that lead to loss of vision. It is therefore important that your tears are not only enough but of good quality. It will make sure that microorganisms are not able to cause infections and your eyes are healthy.

Tips for Managing Dry Eye in Winter Months

The colder temperatures can cause painful, dry, and itchy eyes that may seem hard to deal with. But whether you are indoors or outside, there are things you can do to alleviate the situation.

Keep Hydrated

When your body is experiencing dehydration, it makes dry eye worse. Cold weather can make it hard to drink water and hydrate. Keep reminding yourself to do so because it will moisturize your eyes. You can also drink green tea and soup, which, apart from moisturizing your eyes, also keeps them healthy.

Add Humidity to Your Home

The wind and cold temperatures cause the air to be dry. In addition to this, most people turn up the heat indoors or in their cars to stay warm. It causes the moisture in the air surrounding them to evaporate and dry. The dry air then dries out the skin and eyes, worsening the dry eye condition.

You need to invest in a humidifier. It will make sure there is moisture in the air surrounding you. The moisture in the air will then allow your eyes to lubricate naturally.

Limit Exposure to Heat and Wind

When using heat at home or in your car, do not sit in front of the vents. You should also not sit anywhere the air blows directly in your face. In the car, you can use the floor vents instead of those directly in front of you. The same applies to going outdoors on a windy day. If you need to, wear eye protection.

Adding Omega-3 to Your Diet

Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for you but also help reduce dry eye. The fatty acids are present in fish oil supplements. Taking them will improve the quality of your tears and alleviate dry eyes.

Use Eye Ointments

These are thicker than eye drops and can help prevent dry eye. Apply the ointment on the inner part of your lower eyelashes. Do it before bedtime, as during the day, it can blur your vision. Eye ointments are available in most drugstores.

Warm Compresses

If your eyes become red or you experience irritation, do not always run for medication. First, try a warm compress. Soak a washcloth in warm water and cover your eyes with it for about 10 minutes. It will soothe your eyes and make you more comfortable.

Other tips you can try are blinking regularly, cleaning your eyes with warm water, and the use of artificial tears.

For more information on managing dry eye, visit Okaloosa Eye Care at our office in Crestview, Florida. You can also call (850) 608-0003 to schedule an appointment today.